Bring New Life to Gift Vouchers

Traditionally we give gifts in beautiful wrapping paper all tied up with an extravagant ribbon tied in a knot a sailor would be proud of. This is hard work and will often lead to many trips to the supermarket to buy extra tape and blisters on fingers after hundreds of failed attempts at getting the … Continued

These Are the Most Popular Disney Halloween Costumes in 2020

Halloween may look a little different this year, but there’s nothing stopping you breaking out the witch’s hat and vampire teeth and having a good dress up. In recent years, however, Halloween costumes have moved away from the classic bin-bag capes and bedroom-sheet ghosts of old – with revellers young and old opting for a … Continued

A Guide to Seals: Fun Facts About Our Fin-Footed Friends

Looking to know more about just how amazing seals are? You’re in the right place – let’s dive in and take a closer look at where seals come from, their diet and behaviour, along with a chance to meet our own fin-footed friends right here at Deep Sea World.

Mysteries of the Ocean We Still Don’t Know

While we can rule out mermaids and giant squids, many of the mysteries that lurk beneath our waters are sometimes stranger than make-believe.
Below, we’ll take a look at the most surprising mysteries of the ocean that, even after all this time, we still can’t wrap our heads around.

Meet the Megalodon: The Biggest Shark that Ever Lived

Keen to learn more about the mighty megalodon? Then join us as we explore this incredible fish in greater depth, from its size, shape and appearance, to its diet, bite strength, and the circumstances behind its disappearance all those years ago.

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