Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Deep Sea World Are Proud to Work with RSPB

Here at Deep Sea World, we work with a range of charities and organisations who share our passion for protecting wildlife both at home and around the globe. This extends beyond marine conservation too, with our recent partnership with RSPB proof of our wider commitment to helping nature thrive. In this post, we invite you … Continued

Seal Renovation – Updates

14TH APRIL 2024 We’re excited to announce that our Seal Harbour will undergo essential maintenance and upgrading over the next 10 weeks. Some aims to enhance the Seal Harbour’s facilities include introducing extended space for our seals whilst providing an improved experience for visitors. During this period, the harbour will be temporarily closed to the … Continued

What are the Slowest Animals in the World?

Everyone knows about the cheetah, the fastest land animal, but there’s not a lot of love put onto the animals who prefer to take their time! Being fast has its survival benefits, but so does moving slowly, particularly in an environment as vast as the oceans. In this blog, we’re excited to shed some light … Continued

How do Animals Breathe Underwater?

When an animal lives on land, they’re surrounded by air that they breathe in through their mouth or nose, into their lungs which then passes oxygen into the blood stream and around the body, but what do animals do when they’re surrounded by water? In this blog, we’re going to explore how these miraculous animals … Continued

Everything You Need to Know About Whales

The family Cetacea is home to aquatic mammals, including dolphins, porpoises and also whales. They spend all of their time in water, and there are about 90 species of them in total! Right here in Scotland you might even get the chance to see some of these incredible animals in person, with a few species … Continued

National Animals Across the World Revealed

Across the world, each nation proudly boasts its own symbol, often in the form of a national animal. These creatures represent the cultural identity, values, and natural heritage of their respective countries. Join us as we unveil the fascinating array of national animals from around the world! What is a national animal? A national animal … Continued

Why do Animals Migrate?

Many species of animal throughout the world display particular behaviours or habits that make them who they are, as well as helping their survival in sometimes harsh conditions. With that in mind, some species will travel from place to place, usually to find more favourable conditions at different times of the year – known as … Continued

Animals that NEVER Stop Growing

We all know that there are some pretty big animals out there. But what about animals that don’t stop growing? That’s right, our planet is home to quite a few types of animals that will keep growing bigger throughout their lifetime! If you’re as excited as we are to learn more, then keep reading for … Continued

What are the Key Differences Between Venomous and Poisonous Animals?

Many animals have developed the ability to produce a toxic chemical in order to protect themselves, as well as a natural weapon. However, the terms ‘venomous’ and ‘poisonous’ are often used interchangeably when they are, in fact, two very different things. Most species will use poison and venom defensively, or to deter predators, but in … Continued

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