Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

4 Things That Our Aquarists Do Every Day

An aquarist is someone who takes care of the creatures in an aquarium, which actually involves much more work than you might first imagine. Aquarists’ days are filled with interesting and varied tasks, from observing any unusual creature activity to designing the exhibitions in the aquarium.
We’ve listed four things the aquarists at Deep Sea World do every day, so our visitors can get more of an insight into the hard work and dedication our staff have towards the creatures we house.

Looking after the wellbeing of the creatures 

Aquarists are in charge of providing daily attention to the plant and animal life living in our aquarium. They have strong knowledge of fish, mammals, and other life that thrives underwater, as they are responsible for the wellbeing of all these creatures. This includes ensuring the water is at the right temperature, feeding the creatures the correct food, and stimulating the creatures with species-specific toys and creatures.
As we mentioned above, all our aquarists need to have a strong knowledge of our fish and the environments they thrive in, as even a slight change in the temperature of the water can have a massive impact on the creatures. The aquarists are also responsible for keeping the tanks clean, ensuring all support systems are functioning, and taking water samples to ensure everything is in working order.


 A passion for fish and an interest in their habitats and behaviours is so important for aquarists, as they also need to observe the habits of the creatures to ensure they are healthy and don’t need any special attention.
As well as this, they often observe fish for different experiments and to capture valuable information that can help with conservation and our understanding of the oceans.

Designing the exhibits

 Another part of an aquarist’s job is to design the exhibits that the visitors will see. They do this by cleaning the viewing surfaces, deciding what kinds of plants and life work well together in what areas, and maintaining proper materials.
This is where our aquarists have room to be creative; at Deep Sea World, our exhibits include a walk through the stifling jungles of the Amazon, a journey to the depths of the deepest oceans, and a look at the rocky shores of Scotland.

Research, Research, Research

One of the most important parts of an aquarist’s job is researching the creatures they look after. This research is vital, and means that we can better understand how we should care for our animals. The research they conduct also informs the intriguing facts and signs we put up around our tanks, which help to educate everyone about our amazing creatures.  Our aquarists have a wealth of knowledge about our animals, including seahorses, seals, reptiles, and all the creatures in our underwater safari.

Important, varied and exciting
The job of an aquarist is an important one. Looking after all the creatures at Deep Sea World is no mean feat, and educating the public about conservation and the ways we can help our oceans is a big job.
If you’d like to come and see our aquarists in action, you can book in advance online and save a huge 25%. For more information about conservation and the different creatures at Deep Sea World, check out our blog.

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