Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Exploring the Different Species of Coral

Coral are some of the most fascinating but misunderstood animals within the world’s oceans. These plant-like animals display symbiotic relationships with the creatures that have made coral reefs their homes. The first coral developed around 650 million years ago, with coral reefs being the largest living structure in the world – just look at the … Continued

Deep Sea World Are Proud to Work with RSPB

Here at Deep Sea World, we work with a range of charities and organisations who share our passion for protecting wildlife both at home and around the globe. This extends beyond marine conservation too, with our recent partnership with RSPB proof of our wider commitment to helping nature thrive. In this post, we invite you … Continued

6 Creative Ways to Get Recycling

We love being able to bring you closer to amazing animals from all around the world. And as incredible as they are to look at, they’re not simply for show. Some of the creatures we keep in our exhibits are in danger of being wiped out entirely, and by housing them here, we’re able to … Continued

Deep Sea World Beach Clean May 2022

On the 22nd of May 2022, we decided to have a Deep Sea World beach clean in North Queensferry. As an aquarium, here at Deep Sea World we are all passionate about the conservation of aquatic life. This was a perfect opportunity for us to connect with our local community and do our bit for … Continued

Sustainable Seafood: Lobster off the Menu?

One of the latest pieces of sea conservation news comes from Karen McVeigh’s Guardian article on the Marine Conservation society’s new Good Fish Guide, a guide for sustainable seafood consumption (read here). The article stressed that fourteen species of seafood have joined the ‘fish to avoid list including crabs and lobsters. The guide overall asks … Continued

Aquarium Life: How We Keep Our Animals Safe & Healthy

The health of our sea creatures means everything to us here at Deep Sea World. First and foremost, it means that they are living enriched lives, and it also means that you get to see them at their very best when you visit, giving you the best learning experience. As you might expect, this takes … Continued

A Global Crisis: How Plastic Pollution Is Affecting Marine Animals

Whether they’re big like the majestic whales or small like the delicate corals, more than 700 marine organisms are known to be killed either by the ingestion of plastic or entanglement, resulting in more than 100 million deaths each year – that we know of! It’s not news that our oceans and the array of … Continued

Conservation in Scotland

View Our New Infographic: Marine Conservation in Scotland Marine conservation is paramount to us here at Deep Sea World, and we know it’s important to you too. That’s why we sent out a survey to ask you all about your opinions on the conservation of Scotland’s coastlines. Thanks to everyone who took the time to … Continued

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