Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Shark Identification Guide

Sharks have been swimming in our oceans for 450 million years, so isn’t it time you got to know them a little better? If you want to learn more about identifying these undersea superstars, it’s time to sink your teeth into our handy guide.  5 must-know facts about sharks First up, let’s learn some bite-sized … Continued

Meet the Sand Tiger Shark

The sand tiger shark is a truly impressive species, and you can see it right here with your own eyes at Deep Sea World. So, just what is a sand tiger shark, and what are some of its characteristics? Let’s find out. What are sand tiger sharks? The sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) is also … Continued

How to Draw a Shark: Step-by-Step

Are you looking for fun ways to keep your little ones busy as the nights draw in and the weather gets bleaker? Why not get creative and draw mighty sharks?

All About Shark Trust

At Deep Sea World, we’re proud to partner with Shark Trust, a UK charity dedicated to safeguarding sharks around the globe. With a focus on education, awareness and action, this esteemed organisation is making a difference to the lives of animals that are all too easily misunderstood. Here, you can learn more about Shark Trust … Continued

Do You Know Your Shark Species?

There are hundreds of shark species circling our waters around the world. From the rarest to the most common, we’re utterly fascinated by these incredible sea creatures and their unique characteristics, personalities and behaviours. At Deep Sea World, we love sharing our knowledge about different shark species and what sets them apart. So, how well … Continued

10 Jawesome Gifts for any Shark Lover

Here at Deep Sea World our staff are always looking out for fun shark inspired merchandise and our office is filled of shark pens, shark mugs and even a shark cookies. Our Facebook feed is always full of sponsored ads from different companies trying to convince us we need more shark merch. Let’s be honest … Continued

Meet the Megalodon: The Biggest Shark that Ever Lived

Keen to learn more about the mighty megalodon? Then join us as we explore this incredible fish in greater depth, from its size, shape and appearance, to its diet, bite strength, and the circumstances behind its disappearance all those years ago.

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Sharks

If you come face to face with a shark in the deep blue sea, we all know to swim away quickly, but what don’t you know? From their endless supply of teeth to the lack of bones in their body, here are our top 9 Sharkey facts that might surprise you! 1. Hammerhead sharks have … Continued

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