No ogres to be found here. Just an amazing exhibit filled with all sorts of incredible fish that we reckon you’ll be wowed by!
We’re guessing you might have an image of a swamp in your head already. Muddy, mucky and impossible to wade around, we’re close right? But there’s more to swamps than that, and they’re full of amazing creatures – some of which you’ll be able to see for yourself in The Swamp exhibit right here at Deep Sea World.
But before you do that, why not get the excitement levels up with a read through of what you can expect here?
What are swamps?
An area of land that’s forever filled with water, surrounded by woody vegetation like shrubs, bushes and trees, and thick with foliage beneath the surface, swamps are found all over the world. In fact, you can find swamps in every continent across the globe – except from Antarctica – and they come in all shapes and sizes, too.
The two types of swamps
There are two types of swamps found on planet Earth. The first, freshwater swamps, can be found in the south eastern United States and across the Middle East. Alligators, frogs and all sorts of other animals live in these, while in the Everglades in Florida, even panthers have been known to call them home.
Saltwater swamps, meanwhile, form on tropical coastlines where it’s hot and dry. Because many fish swim into these swamps to lay their eggs, and other young species soon make their way here after birth, they’re known as the nurseries of the ocean!
What are swamps for?
Around 6 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by swamps. It’s a good thing there are so many of them as well, because they’re actually some of the most valuable ecosystems on Earth. You see, when heavy rains cause flooding, swamps are like giant sponge, soaking up excess water and stopping the effects of flooding from getting any worse. And if storm surges take place – that’s where the sea level rises due to a storm – swamps can actually protect fragile coastlines from being washed away.
That’s not all, either. These swampy ecosystems can also filter waste from water and purify it naturally. So when excess nitrogen and other unwanted chemicals wash into them, the plants in swamps absorb and use the chemicals for themselves.
What animals will I find there?
There are all sorts of animals found in these water-filled areas, of course! And when you visit The Swamp, you can expect to find some of these incredible swamp animals:
- Midas Cichlids
One very eye-catching fish, not only do Midas Cichlids come in a variety of colours, they also have a great big bulge on their forehead. They tend to get on with other fish, but they’re known to become aggressive if they don’t have enough space. Luckily, we give them plenty…
- Congo tetra
These brightly coloured shoaling fish inhabit slow moving streams and marshes with lots of vegetation in which to hide. The males are easily distinguishable from the smaller females, as they have much longer tails and dorsal fins. Congo tetras are omnivorous eating a range of both plant and animal food items.
- Blind Cavefish
Living with little food and oxygen in the dark, the Mexican blind cavefish had to get creative to survive. With food so scarce in caves, the animals have to save their energy—and being sightless gives them a major boost. They carry a genetic mutation which stops the eyes from fully developing before they even hatch from their egg. The cavefish makes up for its inability to see thanks to being able to detect vibrations and changes of pressure in the water. This stops them from bumping into anything up ahead – and lets them find food too.
- Ameca Splendens
Also known as the Butterfly splitfin, the Ameca splendens is actually on the verge of extinction. So much so, that only one population of it can still be found in the wild – and that’s in the middle of an amusement park in Mexico.
- Cardinal Tetras
With its neon blue and bright red striping, the cardinal tetra certainly stands out, especially when they’re all gathered in big groups (which they love to do). Look out for the white stripe under their belly too!
- Tequila Fish
Until 2001 this species was thought to be extinct in the wild, however a single isolated population of less than 50 individuals was discovered in Teuchitlán, Mexico. It is still classed as endangered due to pollution and water extraction from its habitat. These fish were named due to their habitat being nearby to the Tequila Volcano. The fish in our display have been bred at another UK aquaria. We feel very lucky to have these on display in The Swamp!
What is the atmosphere of The Swamp like?
We’ve aimed to recreate the swamps that can be found in more tropical regions of the world, so the vibe of our exhibit is bright and full of colours. It’s also a little on the warm side too! We’ve done this so that the animals here can be as comfy as possible while they’re going about their day.
Who is The Swamp for?
With so many colourful fish across the exhibit’s six tanks, children will love wondering at our swampy citizens – which means it’s a great day our for families too!
That’s not all, of course. For anyone with a keen interest in how plants of the swamp can actually play a role in the safety and preservation of the planet, The Swamp is a real treat. And if you’re looking to learn more about some of the world’s rarest marine life, then we’re proud to be able to offer up a look at fish that you’d only ever see once in a blue moon if you were in the wild.
The Swamp, along with the whole of Deep Sea World is wheelchair friendly. For more information on our accessibility, head to our page here.
Discover more of The Swamp’s animals
Want to know more about the swamp animals in our exhibit before you swing by for a visit? Head to the pages below for some extra info on what you’ll be able to see…
Current Water Temp
22°C / 71°FWater Type
Fresh Water/Brackish
Climate / Biome
Tropical Rainforest
In This Exhibit
6 species/ 6 tanks
Where are we?
South America and USA

“About 6 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by swamps.”
In This Exhibit
Midas Cichlids
These inquisitive fish will follow you around their tank watch as you leave the swamp as this school of brightly coloured fish will follow behind you.
Royal Python
This huge snake lives in the corner of the swamp which can mean he can be missed out. He blends in well with his surroundings so only the most eagle eyed visitors can spot him.
Blind Cavefish
This is one of the most unique tanks in the aquarium with its dark red lighting creating a cave like environment. This lighting gives the fish the darkness they require but allows visitors to see their interesting faces.